Thom Yorke on Google the Commoditizer

Radiohead’s Thom Yorke has a striking interview in the Guardian in which he sums up the band’s realizations about what David Lowery calls the “New Boss” reality: “[Big Tech] have to keep commodifying things to keep the share price up, but in doing so they have made all content, including music and newspapers, worthless, in […]

Originally posted on The Trichordist:
Please sign the letter in the link below to the CEOs of brands that appear on multiple occasions on infringing sites. Ask them to take a pledge to keep their ads off of illegal sites. Keep in mind that this list is not a comprehensive list of brands that appear…

Under a Red Flag: The Other Side of Whack a Mole–will it be back to the future for MCNs?

Après moi, le déluge Attributed to King Louis XV of France Right after Google’s YouTube acquisition, Googler Zahava Levine appeared on a bar association panel in Los Angeles and sneered at the assembled entertainment lawyers that even though YouTube was using their clients’ works without permission, YouTube would continue to rely on the DMCA notice […]

Deep Thoughts from SF Music Tech

The SF Music Tech conference ended this week, an excellent platform for Zoë Keating, more later about her ideas for online music services sharing fan data with the artists they exploit.  It was refreshing to see SF Music Tech continuing the theme started last year by David Lowery.  The usual old school “Deep Thoughts” kumbaya […]

Bringing Multichannel Networks in From the Cold: Universal’s Deal with Fullscreen and Maker Studios

We’ve all heard the various canards from the freehadis–you can’t compete with free (meaning you can’t compete with advertising-supported piracy), and as recently as yesterday in the Guardian, the explanation for piracy is that music and movie companies haven’t “updated their business model” (whatever in the world that means), so they deserve to be stolen […]

Hey American Express, Do You Yahoo!?: This Month’s USC-Annenberg Innovation Lab brand sponsored piracy report identifies the offending brands

MTP readers no doubt saw the coverage on last month’s installment of the USC-Annenberg Innovation Lab transparency report that identified ad networks that facilitated IP theft.  Now we see that this month’s report names brands.  You can read all about it here. Here’s a sample of the top brands driving brand sponsored piracy and theft […]