Is YouTube The Lyor Show?

While we can appreciate Lyor’s old school view of his role in the Google Nation, no one should be persuaded that his approach will change anything as long as one of the largest corporations in commercial history is allowed to weaponize the DMCA safe harbor.  

Google and Amazon Leverage Copyright Loophole to Use Songs Without Paying Songwriters

Two vastly wealthy multinational media companies are exploiting a copyright law loophole to sell the world’s music without paying royalties to the world’s songwriters on millions–millions–of songs. Why? Because Google and Amazon–purveyors of Big Data–claim they “can’t” find contact information for song owners in a Google search. So these two companies are exploiting songs without […]

Alert from the National Music Publishers Association regarding sheet music and the Google Books Settlement

The Google Books settlement (which is currently being investigated by the Department of Justice, among other people) clearly includes sheet music. How you may ask? Thank your friendly librarians…and see Music Publishing and the Google Books Settlement and Why Music Publishers and their Licensees Should Care About the Google Books Settlement The National Music Publishers […]