Hey Alexa, Regift Yourself: Google Overtakes Amazon in Biometric Data Acquisition Tools — Artist Rights Watch

According to the Canalys research outfit, Google has taken the lead over Amazon for the first time in the acquisition of biometric identifying data–aka “smart speakers”.  It should come as no surprise that Google is vastly more interested in acquiring voiceprints by which to identify users and track them through a variety of means.

Operation Song

“In a world in which everything is subject to the passing of time, art alone is both subject to time and yet victorious over it.” ― André Malraux I wanted to call your attention to Operation Song, a nonprofit run by our friend Bob Regan the songwriter.  It’s a wonderful organization that describes itself: Operation […]

How to Fix The Music Modernization Act’s Flawed “Audit” Clause — Music Tech Solutions

Unfortunately, the controversial Music Modernization Act creates a quasi-governmental organization with no oversight, and that has weak and punitive audit clauses for songwriters.   We are told that songwriters should appreciate what they’re given because they never had audit rights under the current statutory license.  Of course, if you run the risk of being financially punished if you exercise a right, that’s not much of a right at all.  So let’s not do the usual two steps forward, three steps back.

Spotify Class Action Take 2: @stuartdredge: HFA/Rumblefish to handle Facebook’s indie publishers

[Editor Charlie sez: Remember what Bluewater Music Publishing’s counsel Richard Busch had to say about Spotify? At the time that Spotify hired HFA, HFA had a database with less than the number of recordings and compositions available in the Spotify library. Between this insufficient database, Spotify’s piecemeal system, and HFA’s own lack of a system capable […]