The Importance of Credits

Another outstanding podcast from Portia Sabin’s Future of What podcast, this time with the music credits services Jaxsta and Discogs on the importance of credits.  Credits are also known as the moral right of attribution, currently under review at the U.S. Copyright Office.  Yet another artist rights area where the U.S. lags behind the rest […]

@RobertBLevine_: Federal ‘Transparency’ Bill Endangers Songwriters’ Leverage for Getting Paid

On the surface, at least, the “Transparency in Music Licensing Ownership Act,” introduced in the House of Representatives on July 20 by Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner (R-WI), seems like a copyright bill that could help untangle the online music business….but the devil is in the details. via @RobertBLevine_: Federal ‘Transparency’ Bill Endangers Songwriters’ Leverage for Getting Paid […]

Book Review: “Free Ride: How Digital Parasites Are Destroying the Culture Business and How the Culture Business Can Fight Back” by Robert Levine

There is something comforting about hearing the Speaker of the House of Commons crying “Order, order” and having the MPs actually heed that instruction.  It’s particularly comforting in light of the tragic wilding that has been occurring in the ancient city of London, the font of British civility and civilization.  But the rioting in London is really the […]