The Importance of Registries

The Google Books case looks like it’s on its way to a settlement for a $125 million “payment”, $34.5 million of which it appears that Google is going to pay to itself to build a “registry”, and $45 million of which is a damages payment for the books that were infringed. I don’t have a […]

Google’s Bad Advice Redux

It will come as a surprise to no one that Google has lost yet another copyright case outside of Northern California: Google Loses German Copyright Lawsuits The Europeans take their artists cand culture very seriously and understand that art doesn’t scale (See Book Review: Google and the Myth of Universal Knowledge). As noted in Jim […]

Excellent article by Professor Ginsburg

While I’m a bit late to the party on this one, Professor Jane Ginsburg of the Columbia Law School has posted an excellent article on orphan works which is, I think, pretty consistent on some points with my own view of the true exposure to America created by the current orphan works legislation: “An orphan […]

Racetracks, rum, sheep, wooden arrows and the Austin Yam Jam

Here’s something that the wooden arrow crowd in Washington probably would never think of—independent artists quietly coming together to help feed a whole bunch of people in their community. This time it’s Central Texas, and in particular Austin. Operation Turkey started in 2000 with one guy giving one Thanksgiving dinner to one family in need. […]

In Cyberspace, No One Knows You’re a Highly Decorated Dog

Another must-read, hilarious bark-cleaner from Andrew Orlowski: The Great Circular Award Ceremony. “In recent years the EFF has found an ingenious solution to the task of finding new pioneers – by simply giving awards to EFF insiders. In 2005, we noted, the EFF marked the lifetime’s achievements of one Mitch Kapor. One of his achievements […]