It Ain’t Phở: What if Streaming Went Away?

ANTHONY BOURDAIN …See, it’s not old fish. It’s a whole new thing! And no one knows they’re eating three day old halibut…. From The Big Short, Screenplay by Charles Randolph and Adam McKay, based on the book by Michael Lewis Ben Sisario is the most insightful music business journalist at a mainstream media organization (see […]

POTUS Announces Google Deal in Cuba

Google spokesperson Barack Obama…no sorry, the President of the United States… announced Google’s triumph of crony capitalism in Time: “One of the things that we’ll be announcing here is that Google has a deal to start setting up more WiFi and broadband access on the island,” Obama told ABC anchor David Muir. I don’t want […]

Must Read Post By @nickthayer on Economic Survival

We’re often told that EDM producers and DJs are doing well in the “new boss” economy because they embrace digital distribution especially streaming, sample rather than hire live musicians, use hard drive recording rather than studios, and so on.  How many times have you heard how healthy “DJ culture” because “every night 500,000 people go out […]

YouTube Revenues Explainer

Originally posted on Music Tech Solutions:
I had the good fortune to participate in a SXSW panel about the mechanics of YouTube revenues.  If I say so myself, it was a wonderful panel with some deep expertise (“Stop Complaining and Start Monetizing“).  There was a real interest in the audience about the mechanics of the…

Investor Alert: Multichannel Networks Have Exposure to Deceptive Advertising Prosecution

Originally posted on Music Tech Solutions:
We’ve all seen “brand integration” videos on YouTube promoted or produced by multichannel networks such as Maker, Machnima and others.  I’ve been convinced that if these videos were on television, they would violate the “sponsorship identification” or payola rules that require disclosure of consideration paid or exchanged for placement. …