Content Creators Coalition & MusicAnswers Applaud the Revision and Passage of the Music Modernization Act by the Senate Judiciary Committee — Artist Rights Watch

PRESS RELEASE [Washington, D.C.] – The Content Creators Coalition and MusicAnswers released today the following statement on the Senate Judiciary Committee’s vote in support of the Music Modernization Act. C3 and MusicAnswers applaud the Senate Judiciary Committee’s vote to advance the Music Modernization Act, while incorporating key changes we had urged to make the legislation stronger, more […]

Operation Song

“In a world in which everything is subject to the passing of time, art alone is both subject to time and yet victorious over it.” ― André Malraux I wanted to call your attention to Operation Song, a nonprofit run by our friend Bob Regan the songwriter.  It’s a wonderful organization that describes itself: Operation […]

The Music Modernization Act’s New Burdens for Labels Identifying Unmatched Songs — Music Tech Solutions

The Music Modernization Act is definitely the gift that keeps on giving.  It seems like every time I read it, a new toad jumps out from under a rock.

The latest one I found is a new burden the MMA places on all sound recording owners, large and small. Why? To help the digital services comply with their obligation to locate song copyright owners in order for the services to keep the new “reachback” safe harbor–what we used to call “copyright infringement.”

Is YouTube The Lyor Show?

While we can appreciate Lyor’s old school view of his role in the Google Nation, no one should be persuaded that his approach will change anything as long as one of the largest corporations in commercial history is allowed to weaponize the DMCA safe harbor.