“Million a Month” Tim is Back with New Improved Profiteering–But #irespectmusic @theblakemorgan Fights Back–Again

Sessions Cody Snow

You may have received an email from something called “Sessions” like this one above received by our friend Blake Morgan, and Blake wanted us to alert MTP readers. Here’s Blake’s reply:

Sessions Blake Reply copy

Who can forget the epic confrontation between Blake and “Million a Month” Tim Westergren during what Billboard called “World War P”, which shows what can happen when artist relations are grossly mismanaged.


Why do we say “Million a Month” Tim?  Because that’s what he made from selling Pandora stock while poor mouthing about paying royalties from Pandora’s loss-making revenues.  It may not seem logical, but in Silicon Valley, they care far less about profit than they do about valuation because valuation is, as bank robber Willie Sutton said, where the money is. So “Million a Month” Tim was engaged in the gaslighting of all time.

 I guess Blake hasn’t forgotten.

westergren 5-5-14

Of course in fairness, Daniel Ek and Spotify are running the same play on a much grander scale of international gaslighting as demonstrated by the COVID Misery Index. Big thanks to Blake for calling out another one and speaking truth to power.

COVID Misery Index 12-5-20
Comparison of post-pandemic stock trading of Spotify, Google, Facebook, Amazon, Apple and Live Nation