Please Support Tipitina’s Foundation and All Our Young Musicians

If you’re looking for a worthy cause in this season of hope, please consider Tipitina’s Foundation.

The foundation sponsors a robust internship program, Sunday youth music workshops and the Music Co-Op Offices across Louisiana.

Tipitina’s Foundation supports Louisiana and New Orleans’s irreplaceable music community and preserves the state’s unique musical cultures. The Foundation grew out of the Tipitina’s music venue, a revered New Orleans cultural icon that continues to be instrumental in the development and promotion of Louisiana music around the world. Tipitina’s Foundation promotes childhood music education, the professional development of adult musicians, and the increased profile and viability of Louisiana music as a cultural, educational, and economic resource.

And of course the incomparable Instruments A’ Comin’ concert and silent auction that is in its 17th year having raised millions to “uplift the musical community of New Orleans and Louisiana and to insure that every child has the means to play music.”


You can donate online here.